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Western Wall

Dr. Peter and Joy Wyns
Best of Israel Tour 2025
February 25-March 6, 2025
per person/double occupancy


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Western Wall

Day 1 - Tuesday, February 25, 2025: Departure from US


The moment we walk into the airport we begin to feel the excitement increase as we suddenly realize we’re going to walk the land of of The Bible, the land where Jesus walked and still walks today.


Day 2 - Wednesday, February 26, 2025: Arrive in Israel


We land at Ben Gurion airport, where we’ll be met by our Israeli guide who will be our personal host in the land of Israel. We travel to the coastal area in Tel-Aviv and enjoy a light day of touring, visiting Joppa Sea port and tanners home. From here, we head to our hotel to rest, relax and praise God in the Land of Promise. 

Overnight: Hadera, Jacob Hotel


Day 3 - Thursday, February 27, 2025: Caesarea, Megido & Nazareth 


We start this day at Caesarea, where the Gentiles first heard the news of Messiah from Peter and then followed in baptism. We’ll view the Roman Amphitheater and aqueduct still in pristine condition after several thousands of years. Next, we head north to visit Mount Carmel where Elijah hid from King Ahab; travel through the Jezreel Valley to Megiddo (the Armageddon battlefield of Revelation prophecy where 20 levels of previous civilizations have been unearthed). We continue driving through the areas of Cana and Nazareth, where Jesus spent most of His childhood, we proceed to visit Nazareth Village, here, we are taken back in time as we walk through the environment Jesus grew up in. 

Overnight: Tiberias, Leonardo Plaza Hotel


Day 4 - Friday, February 28, 2025: Explore The Galilee


We awake on the Sea of Galilee, enjoying an incredible Israeli breakfast then a short travel to visit the Valley of the Doves at the Arbel Cliffs, next, we proceed to view an ancient fisherman’s boat by a Kibbutz on the sea, known as the Jesus Boat. Afterwards we board a sailing boat on the Sea of Galilee where we’ll enjoy hearing the words of the Scriptures come to life as our eyes behold what our ears hear and our hearts have always believed! Docking in Capernaum we will visit the ancient synagogue and Peter’s home. There is no doubt that the foundation stones of this ancient synagogue was in full use at the time of Jesus. Afterwards we head to the Mount of the Beatitudes which overlooks the beautiful Sea. Walking to the bottom of the hill we view St. Peter’s Primacy. Finally the day ends at the Yardenit Baptismal site with a baptismal service, a time of singing and prayer in the Jordan River. Returning to the hotel for another beautiful Israeli dinner and overnight. After dinner we gather around for a time of discussion, reminiscing of the days events, devotion and prayer together.


Overnight: Tiberias, Leonardo Plaza Hotel


Day 5 - Saturday, March 1, 2025: Golan Heights, Tel Dan, Beit Shean & Dead Sea 


This morning we begin our day traveling to Golan Heights for a visit to the Bentel outpost which overlooks Syria and Mt. Hermon. We enjoy a special time of prayer. Nearby we will visit Tel Dan where the Israelites began to worship pagan gods and fell into great sin. Traveling back to Galilee we can see the sea from the Decapolis; traveling southward to Beit-Shean/Scythopolis which is one of the most incredible archeological sites in Israel. This is the city where the Philistines hanged the bodies of Saul and his sons who were killed on Mt Gilboa (I Samuel 31:10-12). When Jesus walked here it was named Scythopolis, one of the chief cities of the Decapolis. As we travel south we will follow the Jordan Valley as we see for ourselves the incredible agricultural restoration of the land of milk and honey. As we begin to near the Dead Sea we drive past the ancient city of Jericho, noted to be the oldest city in the world, then finally descend to the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea. We will have time for spa, a Dead Sea ‘swim’ and float before enjoying our dinner in the Dead Sea hotel. 

Overnight: Dead Sea, Leonardo Plaza Hotel


Day 6 - Sunday, March 2, 2025: Explore The Dead Sea & Up To Zion


Today begins with a cable car ride to the top of Masada, where our guide will unfold to us the history of the famous zealot stand; We continue to Ein Gedi where David hid from Saul in the caves of the mountains, and where G-d defeated Israel’s enemies by praise and worship led by King Jehoshaphat. We proceed to the Qumran Caves where the famous Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. Finally we begin our trip up the mountain to Jerusalem, city of Gold! On our way to Jerusalem, we stop at the Jericho Overlook to view one of the most ancient cities in the world. 

Overnight: Jerusalem, Vert Hotel


Day 7 - Monday, March 3, 2025: Around Jerusalem, Bible Times 


We begin our day by visiting the Israel Museum, here, we will see the artifacts of the Dead Sea Scrolls among other antiquities as well as a walk through a detailed model of first century Jerusalem. We proceed now to the Valley of Elah, the site where David battled against Goliath. From here, we continue to Beit Shemesh. We return now to the hotel, following dinner, we spend some time in devotion, fellowship and discussion.

Overnight: Jerusalem, Vert Hotel


Day 8 - Tuesday, March 4, 2025: Jesus' Steps, the Last Days


The day starts with a panoramic view of the Temple Mount, Mount Moriah, Dome of the Rock as we stand on top of the Mount of Olives, then a short walk down the mountain to the Garden of Gethsemane (Church of All Nations). This is probably one of the more memorable and emotional times as we remember that night when Jesus prayed, ‘let this cup pass from me’, and began the suffering which led to our redemption. Walking among these ancient olive trees, reading the scriptures, we take time for personal devotion and reflection in the presence of our great G-d. Entering the Old City through Stephen’s Gate we will visit the Pool of Bethesda and St. Ann’s Church; Antonio’s Fortress and the pit where Christ may have suffered. Walking the Via Dolorosa we’re reminded of the price Jesus paid for all of us; arriving at the Wailing Wall and the Kotel Tunnels reflecting the Second Temple era. Tonight we will have dinner in our Jerusalem hotel and reminisce once again of the sites, sounds and scenes of the past days. We’re walking where Jesus walked!

Overnight: Jerusalem, Vert Hotel


Day 9 - Wednesday, March 5, 2025: City of David, Pentecost, Garden Tomb


Today is our final day in the land of the Bible. After a sumptuous Israeli breakfast, we visit the house of Caiaphas where Jesus was whipped, spat upon and let down into the pit. This is always a time of repentance, singing, worship and praise as we remember the price paid for our spiritual freedom. Next we enter the City of David as our guide recounts the early city of Jerusalem when King David ruled; viewing the pool of Siloam and even travel through Hezekiah’s Tunnel, weather permitting. We visit the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount excavations which was for the common people, the Priests and Levites entered on the higher eastern side of the mount. Parts of the stairs leading to the Temple Mount as well as some of the purification pools can be viewed. This is the general area where Jesus would have driven out the money changers. The south eastern pinnacle is said to be where Jesus was tempted to throw Himself down when tempted by the Enemy. The ending of the day is the Garden Tomb where we’ll enjoy a visit to Calvary, the garden and the empty tomb. We will gather around for communion in the garden, a challenge from God’s word and a time of singing before returning to the hotel for dinner and a time to freshen up before traveling to the airport for our midnight flight arriving home on March 6, 2025. 

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